Find 10 Different types of urinals in below list. Varity of urinals models are designed & manufactured according to customer needs by sanitaryware industry. Urinals are used in home, industry, office, public places and many other places. In this post we will see all type of urinals that you can find in market. If you are planning to buy urinals for any purpose and you have confusion that which one to buy then you came to right place. We will see all the urinals in this article with its Pros and Cons. Below are the types of urinals:
Classification of urinals can be done in many factors. Some of the factors are following below,
- Design& Function of the Urinal.
- Materials used to produce urinals.
- Type of Mounting.
- Urinals for Gender.
Now we will see all the urinal classification below one by one.

Corner urinal:
Actually It is type of Flat back urinal but it is desinged o fit in the corner of the wall. it saves place.You can see the design below in the picture.This type of urinal can be used only in the corner of wall, no ever else.
Flat back urinal:
This is urinal is designed to fix in the wall with a screw. This urinals are low in weight and small in shape.
Stall Urinal:
Stall Urinal is type of urinal which is supported by flange or floor. They are two types Stall Urinals available .There are
1.) Half Stall Urinal
2.) Full Stall Urinal.
Half Stall Urinal are supported by flange.Full Stall Urinal are supported by floor.You can see here full stall urinalin below image.
Sensor urinal:
This kind of urinals you can see multiplex, airport and shopping malls.This is a automatic water flushing urinal. There is a sensor attached to the urinal which will detect human usage. It can flush everytime after usage.This kind of product is very hygience, clean and uses less water compare to other classic urinals.
Squatting urinal:
This urinals are basicallly designed for women’s which are mounted on floor.
Waterless urinal:
This waterless urinal are also called as Water free urinal. The main purpose of this urinal is to save the water. The urinal will flow through a oil sealant which will lock odour of urinal. A cartridge is used for the function of waterless urinals. Below you can see a picture of Waterless Urinals.
Portable urinal:
This kind of urinal normally made in steel or plastic whic normally used for sick peoples.This portable urinals are also know as bedside urinal.You can find diffferent designs separately for male and female.
Handicap urinal:
There is no big difference between handicap urinal and other urinals.What ever the urinal there will be a support given near to the urinals.We can a image below that shows the full stall urinal with steel support which is for handicapped peoples.
Trough style urinal:
This type of urinal can be found in public places. Because of the big size it is made using stainless steel material not with ceramic materials.The privacy of the urinal is very low.The picture of trough style urinal is shown below.
Child Urinal:
These child urinals no difference then normal urinals, but this urinals are designed to encourage the child to urines in urinals.In the urinal design there will be a Rotating windmill in the middle of urinal just like the designed showed in below image.
Kid urinals types Depend upon on the raw materials used to produce the urinals we can classify into four types. Four types of urinal according to the materials used.
- Ceramic Urinals.
- Stainless Urinals.
- Wood craved polished urinal.
- Polypropylene Urinals.
Normally, urinals you see around are made of ceramic materials only because of the ceramic properties. Now-a-days Wood Carved Polished urinals and Polypropylene urinals are not manufactured because of low demand. Stainless urinals are normally used as a portable urinal. The main reason ceramic urinals are preferred because of its durability and price. [fusion_title text=”Urinals Types based upon mounting method:” style=”bold_center”] We can classify also depend upon how urinals are mounted. Two types of mounting urinals are available. They are
- Floor Mount Urinals
- Wall Mount Urinals.
From the name itself you can understand what the both types of urinals. Urinals that are supported and fixed in floor are known as floor mount urinals. Urinals that are fixed in wall are known as wall mount urinals.
Conclusion: As we can see types of urinals are available to full fill the varies requirements. And also lot of urinals are mainly designed for male usage. Have you noticed we explained more than 10 types of urinals?
We need half stall urinal size 900mm
Quotation on Urinary Wall Type Back(4)
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yaah i would like to thanks all for giving us the knowledge on how we can use sanitary materials
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good information about sanitary ware. i hope it would help me in growing my business.
how trough urinal is operated?
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